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Poster abstracts

Poster abstracts submission is CLOSED!

Authors can present their posters during the Poster Sessions. Please, check the Poster Sessions section (coming soon!) for further details!

Two Poster sessions are scheduled (Programme). Poster session 1 will be attended by Patient Associations representatives too.

No poster shifts are planned – the list and numbering of the posters will be shared in the coming weeks.

Poster abstracts will be collected and published on the Convention website and books, which are publicly available. Different stakeholders will be attending the event (scientists, PAOs representatives, companies, VCs, etc) – Please, be aware of not disclosing sensitive information in your abstracts.

Poster panels size is 100 x 70 cm. Posters should not exceed the panel size and must have a portrait layout (i.e., the vertical orientation). Please, print your poster prior to the conference.

Poster set up: poster numbering will be shared in March 2025. All posters must be setup on Monday March 17th morning (possibly) and taken down by Wednesday March 19th 11.30 am.

Past communications about Poster Abstracts

Please, remember to submit your poster abstract upon registration, using the "Abstract form" (also if you already registered to the event). Abstracts submitted to the "Call for oral presentations" are not automatically accepted: please, make sure to re-submit your abstract as indicated above.

Of note, one poster abstract for each Fondazione Telethon project can be submitted and hence presented (also in the case of multicenter projects) . To this end, the reference number of the Fondazione Telethon project is required. The presenting authors need to register to the congress if they are not the person submitting the abstract.


Once you have registered for the event, you can then submit your poster abstract via your online account. Log in and click on “Submit a poster abstract”.

Make sure your abstract is submitted on due time and in the right format:

Should you need any further information, please contact